And not just any photographer, mind you. Nooooo. It was known from the very beginning that a photographer was on my Top Three Most Important Aspects of My Wedding List. The photos, you see, are the only tangible things I will be able to keep from my wedding. They will capture the emotions of that day. They will memorialize the tiny special moments that I will not get to see in person because I'm too busy getting married. They will be passed down to my children's children. My photos MUST be amazing.
Being a lawyer, I'm a bit of a researcher. I research every decision I make TO DEATH. If you recall, I visited a grand total of five possible venues in one day...and I still wasn't sure. So it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that I booked appointments with five photographers within a two week time frame. I also had three more in the wings "just in case." Type A, you say? Why, thank you!
Anyhoo, thus began my whirlwind search for the Perfect Photographer. I had my first appointment on Wednesday night in Dallas and I was PREPARED. I had not just one, but two, lists of questions to ask the photographer that I was "interviewing." I brought my trusty blue Wedding Planner with all of my research, including print-outs of all the emails I had sent and received pertinent to each potential photographer. I knew exactly what I wanted out of my photos. I was ready to ROCK.
Enter Cristina, the first of my candidates. I had heard of Cristina from a girl in my boot camp class who had just gotten married. She spoke so highly of Cristina and her photography skills, I just had to see for myself. I had been stalking Cristina's website and blog for weeks before I actually made an appointment, so I knew she was talented. But I wanted to see if we got along because, frankly, being in front of a camera makes me a bit nervous so if the photographer and I can laugh and joke then I know she's my girl.
Upon meeting Cristina I could tell she was a very sweet spirit. But only when we started talking did I realize how down to earth and friendly she was. During the "official interview" part of the meeting, though, as much as I already liked her, I was not yet blown away. I still had my cautious hat on. I was still in Bride-on-a-Mission mode.
After the interview, however, Cristina walked me downstairs and out to the parking lot. As we walked we began chatting like regular girls. We talked about how Lobster and I met and how our significant others seem to have a desperate need to get German Shepherds, much to our chagrin. As we started talking and laughing and joking like we had known each other for months, not just minutes, I suddenly realized that THIS was what I was looking for in a photographer. We just clicked.
Of course, being who I am, I decided that I needed to at least visit with one other photographer before I made any decisions. So I did, the following day at lunch. And the other photographer was wonderful and nice and did amazing work too. But we didn't joke and laugh as much. And I could never shake the feeling that I was already committed to another photographer.
That afternoon I decided it was time to stop the madness and just seal the deal. I canceled all my other appointments with the rest of my candidates. I emailed Cristina and asked her to be my photographer. We both squealed with delight. We're now BFFs.
So, let me formally introduce you to my Perfect Photographer: Cristina Wisner of Wisner Photo. Go check her out. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Hire a Photographer...CHECK!